Monday, December 27, 2010

Work It Out! Active Family Tips!

81/365 - The Family That Walks Together . . .Image by oblivion9999 via FlickrFeeling the blubber and sluggishness of over-indulgence these last few months? Me too, in fact, I was in a sugar coma this last week from the hundreds of cookies, candies, and heavy meals we ate and made. Today, I find myself thinking about getting back on track, slowly and surely. I want to make a priority of being physically active, both for myself and my kids, during the new year.

I think that exercising with your kids is the very best way to teach them about a life of physical activity often means a life of better health and more happiness. In fact, my parents taught me this, and I am really grateful for it. After dinner, rain or shine, we went for a light walk before we tidied up the kitchen and set about things like homework, TV, reading, bedtime routines, etc.

As I got older, I learned yoga with my mama, something she and I both still practice in our own lives. We went on family hikes, swims, and nature walks. My parents encouraged me to learn how to cook and eat healthfully, and they were never disappointed to hear if I went for a walk, to dance class, or the gym. That kind of encouragement is exactly what kids need these days.

I actually really enjoy exercise with my kids. I love family walks, doing yoga, and teaching my older daughter ballet. I danced and taught dance/yoga/Pilate's for a long time. Last year, I had the pleasure of being back in the studio teaching again and this year, I spend two evenings a week dancing with my daughter.

My husband is great at this too. He has no qualms about turning up the music and grooving with the kids, or taking them outside to kick or toss a ball around. We decided in the New Year, to learn Tai Chi together, and our daughter wants to join in after watching The Last Airbender and seeing the kids in it doing it too. We also are saving up for a treadmill.

In my opinion, there are lots of little ways to teach your kids about being active. It doesn’t have to be grandiose and huge efforts. It can be as simple as a walk together after dinner, going roller-blading, playing games together, or even teaching them things like yoga or a new sport. The important things are that your kids see you being active and that they are involved too.

There are tons of workout DVDs that are user and kid friendly. In these cold winter months, try one or two out, or if you’ve got other ways to be active with them, please do! You are teaching your kids a lifetime of healthy habits and spending a few more precious minutes together.

Here is a list of fun, family friendly DVD's, books, and sites, for you to check out for the New Year!

These two Yoga Kids DVDs are Awesome, with a capital A.  You may just like both the first and the second DVDs!
-Really great yoga mats for the parents and the kiddos! (We have them, and they really are awesome!)
-A non-intimidating book on raising fit, active kids.
-A book about yoga for kids, parents, AND grandparents.
-Yoga Games? For kids? Yes, please!
-A workout DVD for the whole family.
-If you've got a Wii- Nickelodeon has a cool fitness game that got great reviews and it's just for kids!
-A great DVD that is chock full of pre and post natal yoga workouts that are gentle yet challenging.
-If you're a runner, this site is all about how to get the kiddos learning about this great, heart pounding workout.
-Other ways to get your family healthy and active this year!
-More ways to make being active fun for every one!

How do you get active with your kids and how do you plan to in the new year?
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