Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Time for Gratitude - I'm Home!

Today I'm thankful that I'm home.

No, I'm not home because me or one of the kids is sick. I'm home because I am super blessed to be able to work from here. I actually have several things going on that I do...obviously I do social networking for Elegant Mommy, I also am a doula (soon to be working on my childbirth educator training), I have a "WAHM-sewing" business, and I do some website design stuff for my folks' church.

Working at home has been such a blessing, but also a challenge!

For one, I get to spend with the kids. Blessing? Yes! Challenge? Yes! Do I love it? YES!! I mean, how fantastic to get to spend every waking minute with the little people that you love most in the world? I get to encourage their curiosity and learning, play with them, and you know...raise them in the best way I know how.

Secondly, I get to have a super-flexible work "schedule". Ok, let's face it. I don't really have a set schedule. I basically just work when I can for as long as I can. Some days I get a TON done, and other days I get next to nothing done. It's just the way it is. Luckily, I have an amazing employer here at Elegant Mommy, and the rest of my ventures are my own businesses, so I definitely have the flexibility (well, except with the doula part...I mean, it's not really possible to know exactly when a mama is going to go into labor - ha!).

Third, since I have some flexibility, I'm able to volunteer for things that I'm passionate about and where I see a need. I serve on the SD Birth Matters board, I am a member of the AABC and serve on their national Birth Center Licensure Working Group, and I was recently honored to be asked to serve on the Steering Committee for a Breastfeeding Summit right here in South Dakota. Also, my Dad is running for State House of Representatives, so I’m able to help his campaign in between all that, too.

So, with all this, how do I balance it all? 

I have no idea. 

I wish I could tell you I’ve figured out some great secret, but, alas…I haven’t. There are some days that I feel completely inefficient and like I have just wasted my time away. Other days are definitely more productive. One of my biggest challenges is that I usually feel like I have to work on something every single day…I rarely to never get an actual day off from “work” and just get to spend it with my family or doing something else, though I have gotten better at limiting myself from working at least on Sundays…usually. I’m still working on it.

The bottom line is, though, that I get to be home. With my kids and my husband – well, on his days off, anyway. Even with all of the challenges, juggling acts, and temporary lapses in sanity, I wouldn’t trade it for the world! I am blessed beyond measure and am so thankful for the opportunity to have my own businesses as well as a wonderful employer like Shelly at Elegant Mommy.

Yep. I’m thankful to be home.


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