Friday, August 3, 2012

It's Breastfeeding Week!

So, as you all know, Elegant Mommy is *all about* breastfeeding!

We know that not only is breastfeeding best, but it's normal, and most mamas can successfully breastfeed with the right support and information.

Educated Mommy was put together as a breastfeeding resource in our community, and in fact we even rent out breast pumps for an affordable price (in case you didn't know!), and we of course offer some great new classes and support group meetings in addition to La Leche League that we have hosted for a long time. You can check them all out on our facebook events page (some of them require pre-registration on our website). You can join us for Milk Monologues every Wednesday, Going Back to Work support group once a month, and La Leche League every 2nd Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Not to mention, we have connections with local Lactation Consultants and a wealth of information for breastfeeding mamas!

Educated Mommy (and Elegant Mommy. Of course.) is super committed to making sure that you have the information and support you need to breastfeed successfully. It's by FAR superior nutrition for your baby, and with everyone's help, we can make it more the "norm" than it is now.

One of the ways you can help spread breastfeeding awareness is by joining us on Saturday (yep - that's tomorrow) for The Big Latch On. It is a world record attempt to get the most babies latched and nursing at the same time....seriously - what a great way to spread the word that breastfeeding is the way to feed babies! If you are interested in attending a Big Latch On event but aren't in the Sioux Falls, SD area, you can find a location near you here.

So, as the month goes on, we'll be posting some breastfeeding information, and if you have any specific requests on what you would like to see addressed here on the blog, let me know by shooting me an email (media [at] elegantmommy [dot] com) or leaving a comment here.

Now. Go breastfeed your baby (or support someone who does)! ;)


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