Introduction blogs are always so intimidating, but as I’m new here and going to be posting very frequently, I may as well get us off to a chummy start! So, sink or swim, here I go! I’m Sara Rose and I’m a 28 year old
WAHM (work at home mom). I have a degree in psychology and got minors in music and theatre. However, I decided a few years back to go for my dreams and pursue writing and being home with my kids. My husband is finishing his degree in software administration. We have two deeply cool kiddos, Eva Rose (5 going on 16) and Owen Quinn (17 months going on rock star).
The husband and kiddos last Christmas. |
That’s our bland, basic stuff. I love cooking, gardening, reading, knitting, and (when I get around to it) yoga. I always kid around and say that I’m going to take over Martha Stewart’s kingdom in a younger and vastly hipper way, but we’ll see. I read a
LOT and write a
LOT. I love outdoorsy stuff- camping, fishing, hiking, and rock climbing. I get the privilege of introducing my highly sheltered husband to all this. (How do you grow up in SD and NOT do that stuff?) I really, really adore my chosen careers- being a mommy & wife, writing, and helping people and/or companies with social media development.
I am blessed, while we may not be rich, being with my kids and husband more on a daily basis isn’t a luxury my own mother got. So, when I’m tired or feeling sour, I try to remember that this was my ‘dream life’ and that life is always ultimately a work in progress. I also try to remember other super moms, like my boss, Shelly, who owns Elegant Mommy, helps run a magazine, and is always doing about 500 other things too.
So, how do Shelly and I know each other? To be perfectly honest, I sought her out. I write for a few other things, one of which being the area
Rural Living Examiner. Basically, I write for an online newspaper. I really like to seek out small and local businesses to spotlight and I love what she’s bringing to
South Dakota. Being a fellow mama who cloth diapers her kiddo, makes homemade baby food, and generally tries to do about a million too many things, I totally identified with her.
On a slightly sane day. |
I wrote about her and
Elegant Mommy a few times, I help out with and write for her magazine
The ‘Hood and she knows that I do social media development and writing on a freelance basis. So we meshed and decided to partner up to make Elegant Mommy the best that it can be. Elegant Mommy, to me, really taps into what the Midwestern mama is all about, back to basics, good old fashioned, but with a funky twist, parenting. We want to be the resource that is steadily relied upon for things both large and small for any parent.
With that said, I will also let you know that my favorite color is pink and that I once believed Unicorns were real. I also want to own a small farm where we make all our own food and live off the grid. Yes. Thank you for reading us
here at Elegant Mommy, be sure to stop on by often, and I’m happy to be on board!
Slightly realistic pictures like this did not help me abate my beliefs in real unicorns. |
Sara Rose for Elegant Mommy