We are blessed that she has graciously offered up some other writings in relation to her babies and births, including her 2nd baby's birth story (I'll post that later this week).
Today, though, I have the pleasure to share a poem she wrote about precious Spencer's birth. Check it out:
Oh yes, yes, I am writing another blog post tonight.
This one, of a completely different nature.
This one, filled with joy.
This one, showcasing...

a poetic piece of prose. (Ah, alliteration)
I am kind of in shock, actually, as it's been "eons" since I last penned an artistic piece on a random page of a random... paper item. Tonight, it happened to be a spiral-bound notebook, which is much less "quirky" than what I would find in the darkness of my room in my high school days when I wouldn't even bother to turn on the light to write something, and then in the morning, I would have a grand 'ol time trying to decipher my script.
Regardless, tonight, for whatever-on-a-whim reason, my heart lead me to write.
This is for Spencer.
"baby breath"
in a warm hospital room
enveloped the night
in pure anticipation.
I cried,
"It's so hard!"
"I know. You can do this,"
he calmly replied.
One last time
I worked for a breath.
I grasped it-
contained it.
You arrived.
You breathed.
You cried.
You screamed for a brief eternity.
Cold, loud, bright,
this world is like nothing
you ever experienced
or will
Time stands
still in my mind.
Finally, I saw you.
so angry,
so beautiful.
...and then, the moment,
the one I spent my
dreaming of...
slowly cascaded from my eyes
to my chest,
where you
against me.
Heartbeat to heartbeat,
we met
but also
for the very first time.
My breath was stolen
by your grand entrance,
and in that moment
where we met,
it remains.
A year later,
I am still
onto that last breath,
holding also
onto you.
Your tear-filled
crystal, baby-blue eyes
peer up into my green,
as you rest again,
next to me,
heartbeat to heartbeat.
I will hold you
this way
even if
you are not in my arms.
That breath
that was taken
when you breathed the first time
may never return,
for fear
I will wake from
my life's dream
come true
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